Currently, newsletters are accessible only to registered members. You will receive an email to complete your registration after payment for one of the membership levels.
Support and connect with the vibrant therapeutic eurythmy community by becoming a member of ATHENA! Select the membership level that best suits you:
ATHENA Full membership, $60/year.
Open to Therapeutic Eurythmists in North America with recognized diplomas (*see details below). Benefits include:
Membership in AHA (our umbrella organization) with a listing in their practitioner directory.
Membership in IKAM (Internationale Koordination Anthroposophischer Medizin), the international association for therapeutic eurythmy.
Voting rights within ATHENA.
Eligibility for reduced conference fees (AHA and ATHENA).
Access to ATHENA grants.
Corresponding and Affiliated Membership: $45/year
Designed for organizations (e.g., Waldorf schools, Camphill communities) and individuals in related fields, such as eurythmists, colleagues in health-related professions, and all Friends of therapeutic eurythmy.
Associate membership, $45/year.
Available for:
Therapeutic Eurythmists residing outside North America.
Eurythmists currently enrolled in a recognized therapeutic eurythmy training course.
AHA members certified in Anthroposophical Medicine through the Medical Section.