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Therapeutic Eurythmy

Therapeutic Eurythmy is a proven modality within the framework of Anthroposophic Medicine. It’s developed by Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman in cooperation with the school eurythmists of the first Waldorf School, based on the movement art of eurythmy. Since the first “Eurythmy Therapy Course”, given to physicians in 1921, it has been continuously applied and further developed worldwide by physicians and eurythmy therapists. 


Members of ATHENA have completed a four-year eurythmy training followed by a comprehensive therapeutic-medical study and internship. Members must comply with the professional quality standards of ATHENA, including ongoing professional development. ATHENA is affiliated with the Medical Section of the Anthroposophical Society of Dornach, Switzerland, and with the Anthroposophic Health Association (AHA).

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